Just For You

Friday, March 7, 2014

Be in controle of your mind

The true potential of yourself is in your mind and how you must learn to controle it.

What you can believe ,you ultimately will achieve and receive.Nobody great ever thought that they would succeed by thinking negative, discouraging thoughts.

The moment you open your eyes each morning and your are in a concious state of mind, you need to battle and overpower your own mind.You believe yourself more than anyone else, even more than me..
Fight, controle and overpower your negative lazy old self.

But rest each night, and rest good, because when that alarm clock strikes 5:30 am, you got to be ready and willing to fight.

Nothing is to great for you to conquer, not even your own mind.


Proverbs 23:7
King James Version (KJV)

7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

Marc du Toit

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