It is important from time to time to take a long hard look at ourselves.
Taking into account all our attributes and flaws , and asking a very good question:
Am i living up to my full potential?
Are you working at optimum functionality?
Are you putting enough hours into your studies?
Are you giving it everything at your dreams?
85% of the time we as humans can improve, but you have to take that step towards greatness.
Rome was not built on "if's or butts", but by sweat,blood & tears.
Pro-actively making the choice to be more, to be the person in your dreams.
Your reassessment of yourself will determine exactly where you need to improve
Whether it is in finances, relationships or spiritual.
Take your self-TEST today.
Rom 12:12
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Marc du Toit
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